Pet Friendly Townhouses for Rent in Hawaii (0)


In millions of households, pets are not simply an accessory. They are an integral part of the family and in many cases viewed as an actual family member. Just like any family member, their needs and wants should be addressed when finding a new home for rent. Not all rental homes are available for pets, but those that are will often be listed on This website can help pet owners to find the perfect houses, cabins or even apartments for rent that suits both owner and pet in Hawaii. Here are a few key things to look for when finding a dog or cat friendly home, whether in Kailua, Honolulu or Maui:

Pet-Friendly: Tenants should pay close attention to the type of floor in a potential rental home. Carpets can easily be destroyed by the claws of cats or even ruined by muddy dog paws. Carefully consider what type of flooring options will work best for the pets you own in order to decide which rental home will be best. Ideally the floor would be durable and easy to clean. Hardwood is often a great choice when available. Remember that in order to get a full deposit back after moving, you will need to ensure that the floors are in good condition even after your pets have lived there for months or even years.

Potential Pet Hazards: Often pet owners will settle for any rental accommodation that accepts pets. However, it is important not to settle for a home or apartment that could potentially harm your cats or dogs. Looks for housing that has windows that properly close all the way to avoid escape while you are away. In addition, search for a rental that won't allow curious cats to climb onto rafters or into any attic spaces. You may also consider locking or closing securely any cabinets holding dangerous cleaning chemicals.

Sunlight and Outdoor Space: How much outdoor space you will need depends primarily on the size of your pet and their daily needs. Living in Hawaii means there will be plenty of sunshine most days, but time to explore the outdoors is also necessary. Dogs might require a large yard to run around in each day, while cats would be fine with a small indoor space as long as there is plenty of sunshine. Also be sure to consider how difficult it will be to transport your pet outdoors. Dogs may not be able to handle a long elevator ride in order to get outside each time they need to use the bathroom.

It is not always simple to find a pet friendly rental in Hawaii. Remember to be upfront about your pets and use to find rental properties that accommodation animals.